Thursday, April 30, 2020
Memo to Recommend Plan Change
The purpose of this memo is to inform you of the necessary changes that need to be made in the organization so that we can improve on our services and achieve the organizational objectives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Memo to Recommend Plan Change specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Since my inception, as the manager of the organization one year ago, I have noted a number of weaknesses in the organization that need to be reinforced to ensure that we deliver the appropriate services. It is important to point out that our profits have shown a decreasing trend of the last few years. The decrease in the profits of the organization can be attributed to the following factors: Disagreements among the employees: It has come to my notice, in the recent past, that there are constant conflicts among the different employees of the organization. The conflicts arise due to the ideological differences among the employees and the overlapping roles of the employees in certain departments. The spirit of teamwork that is necessary for the success of the organization is thus lacking in our organization. The coordination between the different departments is affected negatively by these poor relations. The other problem that affects the operations of the organization is poor relations between the management and the employees. It has been a tradition in the organization that a wide gap exists between the employees and the management of the organization. The decisions of the organization are often made by the management independently. Besides, there are no programs to evaluate the performance of each employee and give the necessary incentives to motivate the good performers. This contributes to the laxity and poor performance by the employees. The use of old systems of operations is yet another weakness in the organization that should be addressed. Various revolutionary changes are faced by organizations in the contemporary society including new technology, changing culture and the increasing demand for efficient services (Wamwangi, 2003, p.2). The organization has not been sensitive to the changes. Concerning the above-identified problems and others that may be encountered later, I suggest that the following initiatives be taken in the organization. Firstly, there is a need to change the organizational structure and the strategies (Cummings Worley, 2008, p.2). The employees should be included in all the decision-making processes in the organization. The employees should be made to understand that they are part of the organization and play key roles in the organization. There is need to have the representation of the views of the employees in developing all the operational strategies. This will also be a unifying factor among the employees. In resolving conflicts among the employees, there is need to institute a department that deals with employee counseling. This shall be responsible fo r cultivating the spirit of cohesion and teamwork among the employees. There is need to establish management training programs to help the employees develop various management skills. This will enable the employees to resolve minor disputes among them. The overlapping roles of the organizational departments or improper definition of the roles has been pointed out as the cause of conflicts among the employees. There is need to redefine the roles of the individual departments and ensure that all roles are exhausted. The possible overlaps should be communicated to the different departmental heads who should then resolve the arising issues.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another important step to be taken is to develop employee appraisal programs. Employees are often motivated if their good service to the organization is recognized by the organization. This contributes to the e ffectiveness of the organizational operations (Worley Lawler, 2010, p.6). The employees that are doing well in their areas of services need to be identified and promoted in some way. On the other hand, the organization can suffer great losing by holding some employees that are underperforming. There is need to establish the performance standards for each employee roles. A system of evaluation will help identify the employees that are conforming to the standards in the performance. It will also identify the underperformers. The performance of the employees should be used to set the increase in salaries and benefits. It should also be the criterion for the promotion of the employees to high positions in the organization. The successive poor performers should be relieved of the services to the organization. The organization has been seen to respond slowly to the changing trends in the demand of its services. Little innovative initiatives have been taken by the organization over the la st twenty years and the employees seem to be contented with the development pace. As a service industry, there is need to respond to the changing demands of our services. There is need to serve the needs of clients within the shortest periods so far. There is need to have data management systems that are effective and efficient in handling enormous data like information on the employees. There is need to improve on the communication systems used in the organization. In general, all the operations in the organizations need to be changed to meet the increasing demand of our clients. The adoption of modern technology in all operations like customer care services and communication within the organization will help improve on the services. It improves on the relation between the organization and its clients and the employees. If all these measures are taken, it is believed that the organization will regain its service delivery ability and realize an increase in its revenue. There success will help us develop other corrective measures (Cummings Worley, 2008, p.24). It is also important to note that the implementation of these steps is cost-efficient as compared to the anticipated losses that are yet to be incurred. References Cummings, T. and Worley, C. (2008). Organization development change. 9th edition. Mason: Cengage Learning.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Memo to Recommend Plan Change specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Wamwangi, K. (2003). Organizational Development as a Framework for Creating Anti-Poverty Strategies and Action Including Gender Mainstreaming. Web. Worley, C. and Lawler, E. 2010. Built to change organizations and responsible progress: Twin pillars of sustainable success. in Pasmore, A., Woodman, R, and Shani, A. (Eds.). Research in Organizational Change and Development, Volume 18. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing. This essay on Memo to Recommend Plan Change was written and submitted by user Alessandra O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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